On the 8th of march, women across the world took to the streets to make their voices heard, and Mexico wasn´t the exception, but here it was different. In Mexico women are 51.8% of the countries population (65,431,441) and everyday around 10 women go missing with the simple reason being that they are women. In 2019 there were 2,285 women killed in the country and 1,006 of them only because of that reason. 

Ever since we are young we have been taught that women and men are different, that women are soft, delicate and that we need a man to take care of us, everyday in the streets we are catcalled, we are made to feel less, we are payed less, we are scared of walking at night or even in the day by ourselves, now we are afraid to go in an Uber or a taxi by ourselves since more and more cases of Uber drivers rapping and kidnapping women come up. We are judged by what we wear, if we don´t show any skin we are prudes, if we show too much we are sluts. We cannot get drunk because then "we are asking for it", but if we don´t drink we are boring. If we ask for what we want we are bossy, if we don´t we are dumb. We are tired, we are angry, we are sad, but most of all we are ready, ready to show the world how we feel and to let them see that we will not take it any more. 

On march 8th we gathered, we made our banners, we wrote our emergency numbers, blood type and name ir our arms in case someone did something to us and we took the streets of every city´s downtown and we chanted, and we screamed, and we cried, and we broke windows, and we showed Mexico and the whole world that it ends now.
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